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Activation Guide

Activate Your Simplify Digital Card

Setting up your SIMPLIFY digital business card is SIMPLE and takes under 2 minutes.

Here’s a handy walkthrough for creating your first SIMPLIFY card

Execute the steps below one by one or follow along the video at the end of this page, and you’ll be set up in no time.

Activation Options:

simplify - nfc business card

Option 1: TAP

Ensure NFC is enabled on your smartphone.

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards


· Make sure your phone is lit up before tapping

· Tap your card on the top of the phone

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards


· Make sure your phone is lit up before tapping

· Tap the card on the back, center of the phone

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards
simplify - nfc business card

Option 1: TAP

Ensure NFC is enabled on your smartphone.

simplify - nfc business card

Option 2: SCAN

Ensure NFC is enabled on your smartphone.

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards


· Make sure your phone is lit up before tapping

· Tap your card on the top of the phone

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards


· Make sure your phone is lit up and unlocked before tapping

· Tap the card on the back, center of the phone

Simplify - NFC Digital Cards

Open your camera / Qr code scanner and scan the Qr code on the back of your card.

And then open the notification link

Get Started!

Account Setup

Enter your full name, your personal login e-mail address, new password and confirm your password.

You receive an email from to verify your email address, (make sure you check your junk box also).

Then click on “Verify Email Address”. A Login page opens, add your email and password.

You’ll be directed to your personal Simplify account.

Starting with the Profile section in the left menu. This is where you can create your Simplify profile, showcasing your professional identity and personal brand.

Profile Setup


You can now start using your SIMPLIFY CARD and experience the convenience it brings.
Feel free to try tapping or scanning your card to see it in action.
People can save you contact details directly to their phone and also, they can connect with you using the exchange button.
Use it to grow your network and your business!

Explore Your SIMPLIFY Account:

Login to your simplify account in our website using your e-mail and password that you set up at the beginning of this process. which serves as a central hub for your dashboard, profile, exchanged contacts, etc.

Help Center

If you require any assistance or have any question regarding editing or creating your profile or anything else, our support team is here to provide guidance. You can also visit the FAQ and Tutorial links for more tips to use your simplify card

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